Parking is $10 per car.

There will be multiple signs posted with directions to the main parking lot at Nichol's Field on Rt. 103 with a free shuttle to and from the festival starting at Nichol's field, down to Depot street then over to the corner of Main St. and Kearsarge Saint Ext. then back up to Nichol's Field. If the main parking lot fills up, there's a backup nearby that you would be directed to, where the bus route will then also stop at. The buses run from 9a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and until 6p.m. Sunday

Additionally, you can park at the field in front of the Dalton Bridge on West Joppa road. There is also parking available at the Mentis building/ 40 Depot and the two adjacent lots. This is all within walking distance of Main St. Warner.

No charge handicap parking with placard will be available at the Post Office and Sugar River Bank AFTER 12:00 p.m. on Saturday the 11th and all day Sunday the 12th with overflow parking being directed to 40 Depot St. If you arrive before the 12 oćlock hour on Saturday, there will be volunteers with golf carts available to offer transportation to the center of the festival.

There will be NO on-street parking! In fact, there will be many signs stating NO PARKING posted on Main Street and the side streets. Please do not park in these restricted areas! Local police will patrol the areas and cars could be towed and/or ticketed.



PO Box 152 Warner, NH 03278