Our next meeting will be September 25th, 2024 at 6pm in the Sugar River Bank conference room. Go to our Facebook page for updates and all the news!

Funding Requests

Warner Fall Foliage Festival Grants

The WFFF is committed to giving back to the community, and as a part of that mission, awards grants for deserving projects in the Warner area.

Each year, thousands of dollars of Festival proceeds have been awarded to community organizations and projects, thanks to the hard work and commitment of the many volunteers who donate their time and energy to make festival come alive. Warner organizations and individuals contribute hundreds of hours of volunteer time each year, saving costs and enabling all proceeds to go directly back to the community.

Festival grant applications are due prior to the Festival each year. To request funding, you must represent a local organization which participates actively in that year's Festival.

See some of the projects and organizations that have received Festival grants.